Sunday, July 26, 2009

What if Ben Roethlisberger was Black

Ok the white media does its best to keep
there white athletes on pedestals, but at
the same time they try to tear the black
athlete down. We seen it with Jack Johnson,
Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, Jim Brown,
Barry Bonds, Kobe Bryant, even Michael Jordan
they wanted to bring him down because he gambled,
BIG DEAL! When white athletes do bad they
make excuses, give them the benefit of the doubt,
talk about it for maybe a short segment and move
on. If you dont believe me, then tell me why
Ben Roethlisberger of the Super Bowl Champion
Pittsburgh Steelers had a civil case brought on
him for rape on a Saturday and it wasnt made
a big story until the following Thursday. Are
you serious? Really? Had that been a black
athlete the media would have been staked in front
of his house waiting for him to come out and make
a statement. You see the Media attention Terrell
Owens got and thats because he was kicked
out training camp. Then on top of that, The Las
Vegas PD wont investigate the crime. Is this the
same people that went to the ends of the world
to convict OJ Simpson on getting back his "OWN"
personal things? You have to be kidding me. I know
there is a double standard in society even with a black
President, but you have to be kidding me. Just ask the
Professor that was locked out of his house and was
arrested after showing proof of residence. Another thing
is if Roger Goodell is so strict in enforcing the NFL
code of conduct WHY IS Roethlisberger SUSPENDED? He
has suspended everyone else who has had situations such
as this. At least the African American Athletes, just ask
Pacman Jones and Plaxico Burgess and neither has been
convicted of a crime to date, and Ben has been in trouble
before, just remember the motorcycle incident
But no black columnist is gonna ask that question because
they are all cowards. Yes I said it.... They pounce on all the
black athletes but scared to question the white ones. Cowards


Anonymous said...

U better not ever sellout, cause u on point with ur post, well atleast so far!

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah, negro please